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Rebecca's Spelling Notebook 2007
This page provides a condensed version (in format, not number of words) of the complete word list Rebecca used for studying for the 2007 National Spelling Bee. I have provided a copy of this on the webpage for a variety of reasons:

1) Some might be curious as to the types of words she did know. This would satisfy that curiousity.

2) I felt she did an outstanding job of coming up with and executing an approach that allowed her to learn about 7200 words in a little over six months, while also providing her with a rich background in languages and linguistic theory. The organization of this is entirely hers, inspired by the Carolyn's Corner articles this past year.

3) There were several people who expressed an interest in seeing her words. Since we have no trade secrets, we are happy to provide them to whoever might like to see them. Using this list, she felt comfortable spelling into the semi-finals, where the words became less common and relatively unfamiliar.

The file can be uploaded in Adobe .pdf here.
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